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A single like

As I've picked the art of creating music with the help of A.I. I have shared some of my songs with my colleagues in our company's Slack. We have a community channel for discussing music there and as many of my songs draw themes from the IT world I assume they would resonate with them if not by the music itself, but at least with the lyrics the tell about their daily work.

I don't really care whether anybody likes my music. I'm just doing it for my own enjoyment... or at least that's what I thought. The first few songs I shared there were created with not too much effort. They got a few reactions and comments and I was rather indifferent. Just glad that somebody else found them enjoyable as well, at least to the point of feeling enough to react to them.

Today I shared my latest creation, a song I worked several hours over the weekend. I put a lot more effort trying to be more creative and original, to create something truly new and unique. Something, which I was proud of at the end.

When my message got it's first like (well, it was 😍 actually) I was thrilled. Maybe I can create something after all and not just prompt the A.I. to hand me some artificial results that sound like a creative work.