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Model number chaos

After a thorough investigation of different brands and models of freezers and refrigerators I was able to narrow down my choices to two manufacturers. It was not an easy taks and I thought the final decision between these two would be that much more effort. How wrong I was!


There were almost as many different models from these two makers tham there was different manufacturers. Choosing a price range helped a little, but still too many options remained. Also the variations between different models made it hard to compare between brands.

If that wouldn't have been hard enough the retailers brought some additional challenges to the mix. Availability, wrong model number markings and retail specific versions didn't make my choice any easier.

After a while I was becoming proficient reading all those cryptic model numbers. At least for these two brands. While there was certain structure and logic to them it was different for each of them. A skill that will be useless for me hopefully for the next ten years (abd obsolete by then anyway!).

I don't really understand why they want to make so many models that have very little difference between them. Or why some features are tied together (or exclusive) so you still don't have all the possible combinations available.