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Full load of laundry

On my own I don't produce that much laundry. I also don't want to run the washing machine half-full. I also have quite big machine. One that was "the right size" back when it had to take care of the laundry of four persons.

The solution is to have enough clothes to go long enough that they will fill up the machine. But the problem with this is that they take a lot of room from my wardrobe. So I've had ro find the balance of having enough clothes to fill the washing machine, but still be able to fit them all in the wardrobe.

Even though I have a lot of clothes I also don't want to have the classic "what to wear" problem. To solve this most of my clothes are rather simple, same kind of pieces with just some small variations in colour. I didn't want to go all the way to the extremes like some big name people so: having exactly one outlook to minimize the effort of deciding what to wear today. Most of the time I'm still fine with whatever coloured T-shirt happens to be on top of the pile.