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I didn't get as much done today as I had wished on our "little" hobby project. There were some unforeseen issues that took quite a while to solve. So there is still plenty of things to so and only a few days (effectively) left to finalize everything as the players are already arriving towards the end of the next week.

Over the weekend it's also the midsummer. Aa much as I'm passionate about our project I still wouldn't miss the midsummer at our cottage. I had counted to finish most of my tasks before it and only leave a few finishing touches for the beginning of next week. Now, if I want to have enough time I need to make my cottage trip a bit shorter.

I could go finish my work tomorrow morning and drive to the cottage in the afternoon. But it will be the time when everybody else in Finland is driving to their cottages as well. I don't want to sit extra hours in the traffic either. The it would mean I need ro come back already on Saturday. It's the "official" midsummer day here even though most of the celebration happens on Friday. But in turn, I wouldn't need to be stuck on traffic on Sunday either when everybody else is also driving back home.