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Safe landing

The final run of our game is now over. Tomorrow there will be only debriefs for the last batch of players and on Monday we hand over our spaceship to another larp association which will borrow it for a day to run a children's larp there.

We have been keeping tally on our hours. It has been voluntary so not all the hours are probably in. There has been also many ad hoc helpers that might even not have known about the hours keeping. Still, accounting all those missing hours the current count is 12000 hours! That's a lot of voluntary hours people have been willing to put into this "small" project of ours.

And it's not just hours people have put into this project. Many have donated or borrowed their own belongings to make this project into reality. Some people have also travelled great distances from around the world just to get here to help.

This project wouldn't have been possible with sll those people willing to sacrifice their time to be there. It amazes me how willing people are helping and being part of making something like this into reality.