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Last week of vacation

My last vacation week starts tomorrow. In a way the last three and a half weeks Have gone really fast. At the same time, looking back it feels like my last workday was ages ago.

It's the paradox of perceiving time again. When you have nothing to do time seems to crawl and while you are busy time just flies by. But afterwards it's the opposite. The busy times feel like a long time while the lazy times was just a blink of an eye.

We don't record time as is when it passes. It's the things we do that stick to our mind. If there isn't much of anything happening we just skip those periods from our memory. It's like a log book. If you write down all the things that happened during the busy times the list will obviously be long, but there is not much to write about just waiting for time to pass without doing anything.

I know my last week of vacation will also be a busy one. So the beginning of work will also become fast. But it doesn't matter much as I feel I have been away from there already for so long. Actually it's nice to put one more long week of log entries in place before returning back to the daily grind.