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Warm summer

The beginning of this summer was exceptionally hot. Fortunately the temperatures later got down to more bearable levels. But it's still been a lot warmer than average. Usually there are not that many warm days around here and even fewer of those extremely hot ones.

While it has been cooler I don't remember there being any actually cold days so far this summer. Even when it has been colder it has still been nice and warm. While it has been nice it sure is a bit worrying. If the climate change would mean these temperatures would become norm around here that would be nice, but while it's getting nicely warm around here the temperatures more south are becoming even more unbearable. According to the estimates the increase will only be temporary. The increasing temperatures in the north keep accelerating the melting of polar ice caps which in turn will raise the sea levels and disturb the Atlantic currents that are the reason for our relatively mild climate relatively to how north we actually live.

So while this have been nice and all I would rather have endured the more traditional Finnish summer for a few more decades than have this passing period of optimal heat and then descend right back into a new ice age.