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Shrinking car

When I bought my current car it felt really big. It was the only reason I hesitated a little before making the decision to buy it. Until then I had only owned smaller cars, C-class mostly. I like how they are quite agile while still having enough space to not feel cramped inside and fit plenty of stuff inside.

It took quite a bit to get used to not having as nimble car. Parking in a tight spot requires a bit more work for example and not every slot is big enough to fit it in comfortably.

But over the past half a year I have came accustomed to my new car's dimensions and it doesn't feel that big anymore. Still need to pay more attention while parking, but on the road the benefits of it are already outweighing the "clumsiness". It's not really even that much clumsier. It was just the feeling in the beginning.

Only thing that the increased size didn't bring was more cargo space. While on paper it should have pretty much the same cargo volume as my previous car, but due to it being a saloon there isn't that much versatility with that space compared to the old liftback.