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It's over

Today was my last day of vacation. I still had a lot of things undone from my list I made before my vacation started. Maybe I was a bit too ambitious, or maybe there just were too many ad hoc things to be done that took my precious time. I was still trying to tick off a few things from my list today, but it was hopeless to tey to clean it completely.

I still got a lot done during my vacation. It was quite busy times not least due to the big larp project that took most of the time. If I wouldn't have accomplished anything else than that it would still have been a success. But I got plenty of other things done as well.

This was quite exhausting vacation physically. I think my weekly average activity levels were way above my normal averages even though I didn't have any time to exercise. Need to remember to start that again now that I'm going back to sitting all day.

Most of all, I was able to keep myself busy enough that I don't remember once thinking about work during the whole four and a half weeks. That I think was the biggest success.