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We won!

We already got a lot of recognition in all the Finnish major news media as well as many smaller ones, but during the weekend at Ropecon we hit the jackpot: we won the "Deed of the year" award. The award is given yearly by the committee to a person, group or organization that has done remarkable work within the genre.

I'm sure we are about to receive many more awards, but this one is truly the grand prize. It's not only for larps, but all tabletop- and roleplaying and related activities that are evaluated. The committee credited us most of all making our hobby more visible and well known, making it more mainstream.

I'm sure our exposure and fame will attract many more larpers to the genre and also thanks to our many builders and players from abroad, the finnish larps will be more well known there as well.

If I would have known this I would definitely have gone to the gala.