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Office lunch

The lunch time is one of the highlights going to the office. Getting a chance to spend some off-duty time with my colleagues is nice, even though often the topics tend to steer towards work related matters. It's also a chance to get good food served to you without the effort of preparing it myself.

Yesterday, my first day at work after vacation I didn't go to the office. I would have wanted to - wanted to meet my colleagues. But as it's the prime vacation time there wouldn't have been anybody there.

Still, I wanted to feel at least a bit of good sides of returning back to work. So I decided to order food. Another reason was that I didn't have anything at home. Forgot to buy the main ingredient for the dish I was planning to do and didn't bother dropping by at the grocery store in the middle of the day.

I rarely eat delivery (or pick-up) food at home. I think this was the second or third time I have done so since I have been living alone. I usually do my own food. I like making food. Sure, sometimes it might be something I can just heat on the microwave, or toss in the oven, but usually it's something that requires a bit more effort than that. And living alone it's hard to mak just one portion, so usually there is food for at least a couple of days.