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Reading code

It's been a long time since I have written code as my dayjob. Haven't even written much of any code for any reason lately. I used to be good at it. I wouldn't say I ever was a rockstar level coder, but still I would say I wss pretty good at it.

While I might bot be up to date with all the latest language versions, libraries and frameworks and it might take a while to get up to speed writing proper code again (even with the help of all the new A.I. coding assistant tools) I can still easily read and understand code.

I think that has always been my strength - understanding complex systems. I can follow through the code and quickly get a grasp of what's it doing.

This came apparent this week when I had to jump in investigating a weird issue in one of our customer's services. As most of our staff is still on vacation there wasn't too many people available to look into it so I had to give a second set of eyes trying to figure out where the issue was.

At the end my help wasn't that useful as it turned out the issue was outside of our systems. But it did give me an affirmation that I can still be useful in hands-on situations too.