With the abundance of entertainment available for us today it has become hard to decide what to watch. Trying to watch everything is just too much, or couldn't even be possible even if I would be willing to sacrifice all my spare time to do so. But the fear of missing out is also there. What if miss something I would have greatly enjoyed?
It was different back in the old days. Even of the seasons of shows were much longer there weren't really that much choice so even with that it was barely enough. Sure, the quality wasn't always great, but we watched them anyway because there wasn't any alternatives.
Trying to watch everything isn't a goal anymore. Sure, there are still shows that are "must see" for me, but beyond that it's more about just filling the time, having enough to watch without needing to wait for the next season to be released. I don't want to see it all. I don't care if I miss out something (beyond those few). I can watch as much (or little) as I want. And I'm happy that I have so many things to choose from.