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Single household

One downside of living alone is that I'm now responsible for all the household expenses. They were already the biggest expense when we were living together, but now they are in total over half of my monthly income.

While I would say the apartment is quite comfortable it luckily is quite affordable as well. The utility expenses aren't that high and the mortgage is also at the bearable level despite the current high interest rates. So luckily I can still afford to live here alone. It's not actually that much more expensive than living on a lease on a much smaller, more appropriate to a single living apartment.

While I can still pay all the bills and live comfortably this new situation does leave me with substantially less money to put into my hobbies and investments. I could look for cheaper options, but getting back to the same level of living expenses compared to sharing those expenses with somebody really isn't possible even if I would be fine living really modestly.