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Out now

Yesterday I was finally able to do the last edits to my creation, to my new album. It was a long road getting there. I worked on this project for over three months, but in the end I'm quite satisfied with the results. This is something a year ago I wouldn't have even dared to dream of - me, a completely non-musical person releasing an album!

Say what you will about A.I. generated content, for me it was a creative process. I didn't just "write a few lines of prompt a d hit generate". I put a lot of effort into it. And I don't care if nobody likes it. I'm not into it for the money. I did it for myself. I enjoyed both the journey and the end result.

Still, I'm excited about the reception. Maybe there are others that share my taste of music and find this creation of my equally enjoyable. I'm not going to be a big rock star because of it, but in this moment I sure feel like one.

At the moment the album is still processing to be uploaded into various services, but it's already up at least on Youtube if you're interested checking it out.