Today I finished building the Stellar recon voyager, the biggest spaceship in the nineties LEGO M:Tron fleet. I always wanted that one, but back then could only afford the smaller Particle ionizer model.
I really like the M:Tron design of red, black and neon green. It really stands out from other LEGO space themes with their boring blues, grays and black. Another nice feature of the M:Tron line is the magnetic connectors that added a new dimension to the building.
Unfortunately (or luckily) there were only 8 M:Tron models released. At least it should be easy to collect them all now. I'm already halfway there. Of course there is also another interesting feature LEGO used in this theme (along only a few others): there is a super secret model!
The secret model uses parts from 3 of the official sets ro build even bigger spaceship. So in addition to collecting all 8 sets I need to get those three ones twice. Luckily they are not the biggest, most expensive ones.
Oh, and I actually now have (almost) two of those Stellar recon voyagers as there was one in both of the last two lots I have acquired. Too bad it's not one of those three needed to build the super model.