It's nice to have all those safety and driver assistant features in my car, but in extreme weather conditions, when you most would need them, they struggle to work. In winter the sensors are often blocked by snow or ice and render them useless.
Of course those are just nice additional features. When they don't work it's just like driving regular car the old fashioned way. You just need ro rely on your own perception to catch all those potentially dangerous situations (which you should still do even when all the assistive functions are operational).
Yesterday I faced a situation in between those two. The sensors were working but they were covered by ice due to the challenging weather we've had here over the past few days. The problem is, the system doesn't always detect that the sensors are actually blocked, especially the proximity ones. Because of this the car was assuming there was something behind the car when I was backing of from my driveway and engaged emergency braking. I was hardly able to get on the road after a few overrides and then the same happened when I started driving forward.
There might already be cars that can drive by themselves in perfect conditions, but we are far away from the system that can handle all conditions.