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The other way around

I usually write in the morning when I'm going to the office for a day. Other days I postpone the writing until the evening just before bedtime. But for the last couple of days, I have been able to write in the morning even that I have stayed at home.

Today was my first day at work after vacation and I didn't write in the morning. At least I didn't leave it until evening either as I'm writing this now while on my way back home.

Also,  I'm sitting on the wrong end of the train. Well, the wrong end comparing to the usual. Normally I sit on the southern end of the train as it's closer to both home and the office.

So is this some weird opposites day? Maybe, but at least there is a sensible reason reversing everything today. As my daughter started her school couple of weeks ago she's taking the same train to the school. So in the morning we were sitting here together. As for the wrong end of the train: she drops off one stop before me and there it's closer to the other end of the train for her. I wonder what else will be the other way around today.
