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Decoy popups

You open Twitter and see a notification at the top of the screen telling there are new tweets, click here to show them. You hesitate just long enough that once you finally are about to click it the notification disappears. Great, now you have just liked some random tweet.

The so called user experience and design has produced some really annoying things. The one I'm annoyed almost daily are those disappearing notifications that prompt you to click on them but just as you are clicking one it disappears and you end up clicking something else. 

The more things change, again

It's that time of the year again when the next Android version is just around the corner. After careful consideration and reading through reports I decided the current beta is already stable enough for me to try it out.

I have to admit, I did hesitate a while longer this time. I knew there will be changes. And I was pretty sure there would be plenty of those I wouldn't like. But there was also this new gesture navigation that really intrigued me. Maybe I hoped too much.
