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Back to the gym

I finally managed to get myself back to the gym yesterday. While I have gained some weight and lost muscle I was surprised I still managed to do a proper workout. I didn't let myself off easy, pit on as much weight as I felt barely comfortable. So I expected to have pretty sore muscles today.

Turns out you don't lose muscle that fast. At least when you still make sure to do at least some activity every day. And that's exactly what I have been doing. After being away from gym for one and a half year I'm still in adequate shape.

One thousand chin-ups

I used to do a lot of chin-ups when I was younger. I had a bar at the doorway to my room and used to do a couple of chin-ups whenever I walked through it (or rather swung through it). At my best I could do couple of dozen chin-ups in one go. I think my record was 27. I was also able to do a few ones with 20 kg extra weight strapped to my waist. I was never really fit in general, it was just the combination of doing that regularly and weighting way too little.
