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Finger forgotten

I have cut my nails somewhere around 700-800 times assuming I need to do that every two weeks. I have extremely strong nails. I've hardly ever broken one. That's why I need certain special conditions whenever I need to cut them.

The best time to cut them is after sauna. The hest and humidity makes them soft enough to be able to cut them comfortably. Even then, the operation is something that needs intensive focus. Being just s bit sloppy could lead into a nasty results.

Single cup of coffee

For a long time now I have been drinking two cups of coffee in the morning. This has been fairly constant for a while. I remember long time ago used to drink much more, and throughout the day. At some point I hardly drank any. Then it settled to the mornings only.

I already drank only one cup at some point when staying at home and only the second one once I got to the office. Somehow that led to an assumption I need two cups, so I started having another cup as well at home when I was remoting.
