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Finger forgotten

I have cut my nails somewhere around 700-800 times assuming I need to do that every two weeks. I have extremely strong nails. I've hardly ever broken one. That's why I need certain special conditions whenever I need to cut them.

The best time to cut them is after sauna. The hest and humidity makes them soft enough to be able to cut them comfortably. Even then, the operation is something that needs intensive focus. Being just s bit sloppy could lead into a nasty results.

After doing it such a many times it has become quite delicate ritual for me. Hardly nothing can interrupt me while going through it. There is a certain order of things.Therefore it was a big surprise to me when after a while since the last cut I noticed I had missed my right little finger!

I don't remember anything special about that occasion. I don't think anything interrupted me. I can't think of anything that could have caused me to accidentally skip it. It shouldn't either be something I could just forget. There is no memory involved in the process, it just happens.

Being such an unremarkable thing, and finger, I soon forgot the whole thing save the occasional weird feelings when doing something involving the tip of the finger. Until now, when it was once again time to conduct the ritual.
