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The next last thing

Now that I have started to write in the morning instead of leaving it as a last thing of the day there are other things that I have noticed are left for later. There is always the last thing to complete for the day and it seems it's usually the dame task that I keep postponing as late as possible.

Does this tell something about those tasks? Probably, they might be the ones I'm least exited to complete or require most energy. It's definitely not about not having an opportunity to complete them earlier.

The simple solution

For my daily productivity I have a system. The system works well for most of the tasks but for a long time I struggled following up with a certain type of tasks: the things I shouldn't be doing.

Those tasks could be marked done only at the end of the day as I wouldn't know earlier whether I will break them or not. That meant I'd need to remember such things until the end of the day if I did fail them. An unnecessary distraction.

Quarterly review

The first quarter of the year is almost over and it has also been around three months since I did the latest adjustments to my productivity system. So it's a good time to take a look at how has it gone so far.

A quick recap of my system: I have a list of daily tasks, divided into five categories each having 2-5 items. My goal each day is to both complete at least one item from each category and to complete total at least as many tasks as I did in the previous day.

My daily quests

A couple of days ago I wrote about my daily productivity system. There, I mentioned I have a total of eighteen items in my daily task list divided into five separate categories. Now, I'm going to tell you what those are.

How I get things done

I think I haven't written about my productivity system in its entirety. At least not for a while. And as I'm constantly trying to improve it, anything I have written previously is probably outdated anyway.

The system is pretty simple at its core: I have a list of daily tasks I want to compete every day. The items on that list aren't any particular tasks, but rather categories of things to do. The list is further divided in (currently) five categories. Every day I have a simple goal of completing enough items from that list to satisfy two rules:

Doing too much

After the low in my daily productivity, it's hard to get back on track with a new streak. Just when I thought this system is finally perfect I'm back with the same problem I had at the beginning of this iteration.  I'm doing too much too fast.

Starting slowly would make it easier to get a longer streak. It would give some time to stay a bit lower and have some easier days in the beginning. Getting those small increases would also mean there would be more of those "better than yesterday" -days.

Back to the bottom

After yesterday super productive day I was determined to have another one today. Even beating the excellent score of 17/18 daily goals. I was sure I could pull off the perfect day today.

But maybe it was the push after yesterday, or maybe it was the drinking, but I already knew when I woke up it won't happen. After a moment I decided it's not even worth trying. It's better to have the day off now rather than during the week. When I could actually have the full day of doing nothing instead of just enjoying a lazy even g during a working day.
