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Working from home and housekeeping

My work involves mostly thinking and just occasionally writing those thoughts down. The work isn't tied into one place, it mostly doesn't even have to be done in front of a computer. Doing it remote works well, maybe even better in some occasions than doing it at the office.

I find it often limiting trying to work on something on your head sitting there in front of a computer. There are too many distractions it offers when I get stuck. An option on those situations at the office is to stand up, walk around the office and maybe have a chat with my colleague. But that usually doesn't help with getting the work done. It just offers a pause from it and afterwards I need to continue from where I left.

At home, instead I can do some chores at those times. Those boring, menial tasks that don't need much of thinking. It's in fact more tempting to wander into my thoughts while doing them. And what better things to think about while doing so than those work matters. It essentially doubles my overall productivity when I can work and do the chores at the same time. especially as I'm usually too tired coming home after an office day to do anything useful around the house.
