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Bell pepper

I don't know why, but it just popped into my mind earlier today while I was just lying down on the couch. It came so out of the blue I had to actually stop there and look around. But there was nothing reminding about them anywhere on sight. I wasn't either thinking anything related. Wasn't thinking much of anything really, just resting there.

I don't know why I'm writing about bell peppers now. Well, I do as that was what came to my mind and it was odd, maybe worth writing about. But it could have been anything really. The mind is a mysterious thing. Given some room, it can conjure up strange things. Or mundane, but at the strange occasion.

Perhaps there is a reason for such things. I don't believe it's something completely random. There is still some logic in our minds no matter how irrational it feels at the times. Some weird combination of associations, chemical reactions and electric currents.

Maybe it was just minds emergency reaction. It's so focused on constantly working on something that when I tried to empty my mind it panicked and threw the first thing that came to my mind at me. "Here, think about this!"