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The Year 12019

New decade or not, we are closing to the end of year 12019. And no, that "1" there is not a typo. I really mean twelve thousand and nineteen. That's the current year in Holocene era.

The Holocene calendar was first proposed by Cesare Emiliani in 1993 (11993 in Holocene calendar). The idea was to resolve some issues with the current anno Domini calendar which causes some trouble handing the transition between the current era (AD) and the time before that (BC). Makes it harder to grasp those old dates when the bigger number actually means it was earlier.

Of course there were time also before year zero in Holocene calendar. But the time was particularly chosen to match mostly the beginning of human history after transitioning from hunter-gatherers to agriculture. So most of the notable events in human history could be expressed within the same timescale.

Sure, there isn't exact year this transition happened. It was around the transition from the last glacial period to the current geological era, which is also called Holocene epoch. This era started 11650 years before present (where present means 1st of January 1950). So it matches pretty closely to current anno Domini year plus 10 000.  Makes it a lot easier when you can just add "1" to the beginning of the year.