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Writing for the streak

During all these years I haven't really written much just because of the streak. Sure, there has been many filler posts just to keep the streak going. But even those have served a purpose.

I started writing simply because I wanted to write. Then, I wanted to become better at it. Along the way I learned that I actually enjoy doing it most of the time. And even when I don't, it's manageable. That has been one of the best learnings from all this effort. At best the writings is when I can use it as a tool for self reflection. 

So I don't really write for the streak. I don't care about my post count or whether the uninterrupted flow of daily posts breaks. Not just for the streak itself.

However it's a powerful tool when it forces me to write every day. Of course there are days, and posts that I could have skipped. But there are also good posts that have come out on those days when at first I haven't felt like writing. It's not all just about what I want to write, it's also about what I can come up with when I don't have anything.
