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The stability - innovation paradox

There are people who want to experiment. They will go extra mile to try out new things and learn new technologies. They disregard all the prior work done to provide stable foundations for all projects. Every project is a bit different. But they wont commit to maintain this new creation indefinitely. They trust that others will be as inclined to learn the new things as they are.

There are people who follow whatever defaults and standards exist. They take the easy route and do like has been done before. It's easy to move between projects because everything is where you'd expect it to be, by the standards and best practices. It's easy to pass out to others to maintain as there wont be any surprises. Nothing new to learn.

We need that stability. Snowflakes in the wild west wont last for long. There need to be some sort of continuity for all the things or else everything will fall apart.

We need innovation. The field is constantly evolving and we need to move with it. If you are not following the trends you are falling behind. It doesn't take long in modern IT technology to become obsolete.

There needs to be balance somewhere in the middle.
