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Notes forgotten

I try to write things down as much as possible. I don't trust my memory. Actually I don't even want to strain it trying to remember all those little things. It's better to save that brain capacity for something important. It's also a good way to declutter the mind transfering all those random thoughts into an external memory.

The problem is, like I have earlier explained, that I don't think in words. When I write something down, convert it into words I still have all the attached mental images in my mind. So when I look at the note, I my mind I see more than just the words.

Over time, that connection can fade away. When I look at those words again after a while they have degenerated back being just words. I can't recall the attached mental images anymore. Not every time.

I have probably hundreds of such notes written in my notebooks. I'm sure there are some great thoughts and ideas behind those words, locked in my mind waiting for that missing link connecting them back to those magic words. So I'm hesitant to ever weed out all those notes. I might throw out something great.