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The money have to come from somewhere

As much as I despite the infinite greed and selfishness of corporations and capitalism there is one positive thing that comes up during the times like this. If everything would have already been stretched as thin as possible during the good times there wouldn't be any reserves to throw in during the time of the crisis.

The situation brings out the fact that there is still some humanity left at least in some of those top earners and decision makers of the corporations. Unfortunately there are also people not only reluctant to share their wealth and help but instead they try to profit from the situation.

Of course not all the good things are made out of sheer goodwill. There are companies calculating every cent they put into helping us getting through these hard times and balancing it with the expected marketing value it brings in (or the negative impact it could impose if the did nothing). So even if the system is flawed there are some failsafe mechanism that still benefit the greater good even when done for the wrong reasons. After all, things could be a lot worse.

