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Noticed only when needed

It's hard to make a number out of my work when everything goes fine. Then it's just as it should be, things happen and there are some results every now and then to show. Of course there is recognition from those successes as well, but it's nothing compared to the situations where everything is about to fall apart... and you manage to keep it all together.

Yes, a little self appreciation again. It's hard and awkward, but they say it's good for you in moderation.

Had the most hectic day in years at work yesterday. It wasn't just one incident, it was series of them each one cascading into a bigger one. And it all started right in the morning. And not least, on top of that it was a critical fay for the customer, so any failures mean even more visibility to our work. A stressful situation indeed.

Good thing I don't know stress. Only time I was slightly annoyed yesterday were the constant status update meetings I had to attend and  give updates on the progress. I would much rather have spend that time fixing the problems.

It's not about whether the issues happen, it's all about how you handle them. As unfortunate as it was, this was a perfect time to demonstrate exactly that. And from all the feedback I received today I know I aced it.