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Big and small things

It's quite easy to write a 200 word post on average things. It's enough to tell the overview or focus on some smaller detail. It seems to be a sweet spot foe an average thought.

Digging more into the topic requires more words. That's easy as I can split the topic into multiple posts. Just focusing in one aspect of it at the time and following up in consecutive post drilling deeper.

It's the small things that are hard. It feels like it's a good idea and worth a post. But when I star writing it I get it done. It's all there and the word count sits around 50. Hardly a quarter done and everything is already said.

I know I have decided to disregard the limit. Nowadays I write as long as feel natural. No overstretching just to hit some count and no abrupt ends due running out of words.

Still, I don't feel comfortable leaving it there at below 50, or even a hundred words. Not unless I'm really tired or in a hurry.

So I have a lot of such topics which I don't know what to do. Maybe I should start another stream for those short thoughts. But then, I don't want to start another streak. It's enough to have one about writing. And I know, even without trying it would turn into one. Maybe I should just start tweeting them or something.

