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One more day

Tomorrow will be my last day at work before vacation. It's been a long first half of the year and it really is needed. On the other hand I feel there is so many unfinished things that I don't want to leave yet, but of course I have made sure there is nothing urgent and the rest can wait until after vacation. And this time I have also managed to delegate things forward, so when I get back there should be some results waiting for me instead of just tasks.

It seems like a perfect time to leave on vacation. The weather has been nice already for a while and forecasts promise it will stay like this still for some time. I still hasn't gotten too much heat to go over my tolerance, but if this continues the whole three and a half weeks of my vacation I'm sure I will be ready for some sub zero temperatures already.

Due to the covid situation, despite the relaxed restrictions there aren't that many options for spending ones vacation still. Like the whole year so far my vacation will also follow the no-plans plan. At least mostly. Seems there are a few possible ideas already thrown in the air.
