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Missed markets

There is no shortage of streaming services. Quite the opposite. There is way too many of them and it's getting harder and harder to decide between them. There are good series in all of them and new seasons coming out at regular pace. So it's hard to even alternate between them. It becomes cheaper to just have all of them on a yearly plan.

But there is one blatantly missing from the Finnish market. The hottest new service of the year: Disney plus. Once again we had to read the bad news that the release here is postponed until autumn. Global capitalism at it's finest.

Sure Finnish markets are peanuts to behemoths like Disney. But there are plenty of other small countries it's either available. 

By the time such services with the latest shows from last year finally arrive to those late markets there won't be that many customers left that haven't seen those shows elsewhere already. It's not like those regional restrictions and other "security" features that annoy paying customers would stop anybody really willing to watch those shows from seeing them.
