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One thing led to another

Another day I was going through my daily news and topics when I came across a link to a Wikipedia page listing common myths and misconceptions. Sure I had to check it out, just to ensure I didn't have any. Or at least correct my knowledge in case I would have found I was wrong.

Anyway, reading through the list there was the old "tongue has separate areas for different tastes" - myth. That was nothing new, but it also mentioned the fifth taste, the umami. It wasn't completely new term to me either, but I realized I didn't know much about it. Naturally, it got me curious. Something new to learn, and something to write about.

While immersing myself in all things umami I ended up reading about the sodium glutamate and all those misconceptions around it. So, as you know I then ended up writing about it yesterday leaving the umami post for later time.

I could have followed through with that today.bit would have been a natural continuity from yesterday. But then I started thinking how I even ended up writing about the sodium glutamate instead of writing about the fifth taste right away.