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Too tired to write?

No, I'm not too tired to write right now, but there has been multiple occasions when I have been so tired I didn't want to write. Last such day was two days ago after the phone hunting episode.

Usually on those days I have just been writing about not wanting to write or being too tired of writing anything sensible. Even if I would have had something interesting to write about that particular day. I just tend to postpone it. Promise to myself that I'll write about it some other day. But truth is I rarely do. It's already faded from my mind or there is something better to write about.

It's actually even harder to write such ramblings. First of all it feels bad: I feel guilty about not writing properly. It's also not a real topic so it's hard to come up with anything to write about it. And on top of all, I have written about the same topic so many times that even if there was something interesting to write about it I have already done it before.

Two days ago I was in this same situation once again. But then, I decided to write about the day despite being tired. And it wasn't that hard after all.
