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Dangers of the surveillance capitalism

The movie Social Dilemma should probably be classified as a horror movie. At least I was terrified after watching it. Hardly any real horror movie is able to do me that. And that was despite the fact that I knew the topic and all the things presented in this documentary prior watching it already. 

The scariest thing is, like the quests in the movie also struggled to pinpoint, that there isn't single clear problem. There is no single malevolent adversary we could fight against. It's all just because the market forces, we demand things. We want better services, more content and more attention. And that is a valuable resource that can be harvested and used: our own desires.

There also isn't any single person to blame developing those algorithms. It's just a bunch of developers who wanted to do a good job. Nobody designed this machine on purpose. They all just tried to make the world a better place by giving people what they wanted. We should really not be trusted on that. 

It's not that the machine is benevolent either. It really isn't capable of comprehending such concepts. It's just a stupid machine doing what it's told to do. Even if nobody understand anymore of it's inner workings. It hasn't surpassed human intelligence. It has not defeated us becoming better than us. It's just abusing our weaknesses. And that doesn't really take that much to fool and manipulate us. It's just that it's so efficient in doing it.

The movie should be require watching for everybody. It's an eye-opener to the world we are actually living in. Exposing the problem that isn't that apparent: controlled dystopia wrapped in utopian shell.