Right amount of text
I have concluded there is three stages for a writer to produce text. We all start from the first stage. The stage where we struggle just to produce the minimal amount of required text. For some this can go over fast. Soon after they have learnt to write. Many, like me, stay in this stage for a lot longer.
First problems start at school. You are required to write essays. Minimum of foir pages. After writing two pages I already had a feeling I had written everything there is about the topic. But luckily the dawn of modern age technology saved me. Just set the margins a bit wider, increase font size and line spacing... there are ways to make two pages of text into four. Nowadays they have learned, and all those values are predefined. Or there is word limit, not pages.
When I couln't stretch my text that way any more then came the excessive use of filler words. You very well must know what I am talking about writing here at the moment. Horrible sentences.
Second phase is when you don't have problems to meet the limit. Instead you are easily going over it. Every time. I think I'm not there yet. I quess I'm at the sweet spot just between those phases. I fear it when I flip over to the phase two. Hopefully it will be over soon.
At final phase you can write about anything, in any amount of text. Just the right amount.