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Serial writer

Writing connected posts is interesting change. I usually write just some random things that happen to come to my mind at that moment. But occasionally I have had some repeating topics I have stayed for a while like the banana episode for example.

Then there has been a few topics so big and deep that just one post couldn't have fit all of it or wouldn't have made it clear enough. A good example of this was the recent Graham's number post I made that required a series of preliminary posts to explain enough of the background for it to make any sense.

Historical and a bit less historical

Some books are written for their time and don't work the same when reading them after decades since that time has passed. Sure, they still give a glimpse on what kind of times those were.

Cryptonomicon was making strong distinction between the World war II era history and exciting new near future digital development at the break of the millennium. At the time the book was visionary, predicting the growth and importance of the internet and coming of the cryptocurrencies to name a few. Characters were also using a lot of latest high tech gadgets.

When code breaks

I just finished reading Neal Stephensons book Cryptonomicon. It waited a long time on my reading list and I had high expectations for it. 

There is a lot going on in the book right from the start. It's a bit hard to get grasp of all the different timelines and characters, but after a while it all becomes familiar enough to follow through. It even gives high hopes for where this story is heading.

Book review: Genesis

Genesis by Bernard Beckett is classified as young adults book, but don't be fooled by its lightness. It's only light by the count of pages. It's easy enough to read in one afternoon, but it will leave you pondering for days. In a way, it's Sofie's world meets 1984. A dystopian world with surprisingly deep thoughts. 
