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Do nothing day

I had plans to get a lot of things done today. In the morning I was still determined to get all those planned things done and even started early (even though I slept unusually late).

I did get some things done or at least started before noon. But then the weight of the week hit me. It's been a long and rough week. Even without the extra stress from the incident it would have been quite heavy week work wise. Those extra things just made it even worse.

Just one more chapter

One sign of a really good book or a TV series is that once you are hooked it's hard to put it down. You just need to find out what happens next. Building up the suspense and then leving you hanging is borderline evil keeping you hooked and ensuring you keep continuing to the next episode.

Insurance claims

Making insurance claims is never fun. Making sure you have accurate description of damages and what happened is delicate work. With a more simple incident it's easy, but when I started going through all the damaged items in the late water incidents I was starting to feel a vit despair. There are thousands of items and I'm not sure how detailed I should list them.

Water damage

I was in for an unpleasant surprise when I finally figured out where that sound of running water was coming from. I noticed it in late afternoon but didn't pay too much attention to it at that time. As the sound didn't appear to stop I did check everything inside the house but couldn't find anything out of ordinary.

Political influence

This year seems to be big on important elections around the world. Finland is no different as we just had our second round of presidential elections yesterday. We go to the second round if none of the candidates gets over 50% of the votes on the first round.

The results were out late yesterday evening, but I didn't bother to wait for them. Both of the second round candidates were fine. In the end the situation got really close, the winner only got less than 4 percent more votes.

Big and small changes

Usually it's easier to accept and adapt to small changes while big changes cause more resistance. On the other hand it's easier ro adjust to bigger changes when they are more noticeable than the small ones.

I still haven't completely gotten over the change in media controls in our previous car compared to the ones in the one before that. The small change was the direction of the next/previous button to skip a track in a playlist. After over two and a half years I still occasionally have to think which way did they work.

Dangerous technology

Technology can gibe out a false sense of safety, or at least make some people feel like they can let tech to handle things for them while they are focusing on something else. While some people are outright stupid and irresponsible using the tech for non-intended uae the manufacturers are not without blame either. If not outright lying on their advertising about the capability of their products they might not shed a thought on how wrongly their products could be used.

Carbon-phone dating

Movies and TV series set on contemporary times can be dated based on looking at different technologies used on them. Especially during the times of rapid technological progress in certain areas for example looking at the computers or phones.

For the really old movies it's harder to get down to a span of few years. The really old landlines didn't change that much for decades. The old rotary phones also stayed for decades, but at least you get a little closer. The era of phones with number pads was even shorter, but still you would only get down to a span of decade or so.

It's getting easier and harder

Finding the right pieces for the LEGO sets I'm putting together from my random mixed piles of bricks has a certain limits of how easy it is to find the correct pieces. I just need to find a good balance between the speed and the effort.

The thing is the sorting, how granular I want to go. I could sort every single type and variant of pieces on their own, even by colour. But then it would be a lot of effort to find the correct container for the right piece. Not to mention the amount of containers to hold all those different kind of bricks.

Good, bad scifi

The spectrum of "hardness" of science fiction stories is vast. From the true hard scifi where everything is based on real laws of nature, or at least plausible theories to the stories full of handwavium that doesn't even try to follow any of those laws.

And that's okay. There are fans for each of those subgenres, tou can even enjoy all of them. They are just entertainment. And even if the story makes up all it's "science" it can still be thought provoking. That's the quality I value the most in those stories.

Storage challenge

A problem I'm facing with all my different collections is they are starting to take quite a lot of storage space. Sure I could just stove them away to the back of my garage, but I don't want to hide them away. I want to keep them on display to show off my collections and above all being able to admire and enjoy them myself.

Down with the details

When I was test driving our first Ioniq, the one before our previous one I was already sold to the car, but what impressed me the most was the small details in usability.

One such thing was the side mirrors which would turn slightly downwards when you put the gear in reverse to allow better view to where it matters. I don't know if any other automaker has this feature nowadays, at least I haven't seen or heard if they do.

Ordinary, wonderful day

Yesterday we spent most of the day together with my wife. We didn't do anything special, just being together. We've spent countless Saturdays like that when we still uses to live together, it used to be just a regular Saturday.

While we have been doing those more special date nights, which have also been nice this day however felt somehow more special. Just like the good old days. Except I really didn't appreciate such days back then.

Relatively cheap

I actively follow electricity prices as I have the spot pricing contract. Just doing a bit of homework and timing most energy consuming things can save me some money. Of course the largest usage comes from charging the car and especially knowing when to charge it can have a huge effect on my electricity bill.

Reboot the book

For years bow I have mainly read books on my Kindle. It has been working well, both technically and from the usability anf convenience point of view. I don't remember having any technical issues with it. I think I haven't even had to reboot it save the few times there has been a system upgrade that has required it.

Back on board

Our big larp project is getting closer, it's less than five months until the first run. The planning and preparations have been going on for over a year already, but now it's time to start the big push towards the game.

Too much of one topic

Sometimes I feel I'm writing way too much on some topics or repeating the same themes over and over again. It's not just about writing for so long that there wouldn't be anything left to write. It's just that often I take the easy route and write the things that are on top of my mind at the time.

It's a bit low effort, but that's the thing: writing itself is more important than the topic. It doesn't matter what I write as long as I write, even if it's about the same things or repetition (I know I have repeated this thought for many times already).

Neverending story

Our DnD campaign has been going on for around 5 years already. It was supposed to be over years ago, but we just kept going. There has been numerous times when we have kinda concluded that it's time to retire our characters and move over to the next campaign.

Yet, here we still are, playing the same campaign. Except soon it's (supposed to) finally come to an end. Our DM told us there would be only a few more sessions when the story is finally over and it's time to move into a new campaign he has been planning for quite some time already.
