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Missing the beep

Yesterday I rented a van for moving. The one I got came with manual transmission. I thought that would have been the weirdest part driving a different car now that I have used to drive automatic for so many years. But the decades of operating a car with a stick sift have imprinted that practice in my mind so it came pretty much naturally. I think I only forgot to press the clutch once or twice.

Moving around

We have multiple movings going on during the summer. First, our youngest one, who have been living with me but still had their own apartment due to one year minimum lease time moved away from that apartment. They have a new place, but at the time the previous lease ended they still didn't have keys to the new place. So we had to move their staff to a temporary storage. The new apartment also is a bit smaller so not all of their stuff will fit there so part of them will be staying in the storage.

Round two

Our second run of our grand larp started today. We had a few days in between runs to reset everything to the starting point, fix restock any single-use items, fix all the broken stuff and even do some improvements. It was a busy times getting everything ready again before the players arrived yesterday afternoon.

No-time time

One of the benefits (or challenges?) of being on vacation is that there are no schedules. I don't have to be anywhere at certain time. I can sleep as long as I want (or can). I don't have to worry about time or watch the clock all the time.

Active vacation

There hasn't been shortage of things to do for me during my vacation so far. Every day there has been something to take care of. I have tried to slow down and not work long days to also have time to get some rest and relax.

On the other hand I would like to get all those things done as fast as possible. That way there would hopefully be some days left when I could actually just relax without worrying to get things done. I'm not sure which one would be better: doing something little every day or work hard to get everything done out of the way.


I originally developed in a couple of weeks almost 4 years ago. I had great plans back then for the site, but after working for another four or so months finalizing the basic features of the site I concluded it's good enough and instead decided to retain the simplicity of the site.

Now, I haven't touched the codebase for over three and a half years. There hasn't been any major issues I would need to have had to fix. There has been a few things that I have had in mind to remove to make the site even simpler. But I haven't gotten around returning to the codebase.

Game over

Our first run of our game is now over. What was supposed ro be 48 hours of intensive play turned out to last 49,5 hours! There were still so many loose ends at the 48 hour mark we decided to let the players to finish any loose ends before closing the game for good.

That wasn't the only unexpected thing that happened. As anticipated, players' ingenuity led ro some unexpected outcomes to some of our plotlines. It's nice to see such creativity and realize just how complex and flexible the game os despite writing rigid plots and storylines.

Behind the scenes

The first run of our game is now ober half way through. While building the set was a lot of work, running the game isn't walk in the park either. Evan though we have tried to prepare for everything there is always something missed or that go wrong.

Cooling off

It's common to go and ait out side to cool off after sauna. But now it has been so hot outside that if tou go there (with or without sauna) you start to sweat immediately. So it really doesn't serve the purpose at this time. It would be better to sit outside for a while before sauna to get some pre-heat.

Extreme heat

The temperature topped at 29 degrees today. I know it's not much compared to some actually hot regions on earth, but it's pretty much in here. Doesn't get much hotter in here and I think the record isn't that much higher.

Stepping up the game

I thought yesterdays 22000 steps was a lot, but today I accumulated nearly 5000 steps more! The day started with moving all my younger child's stuff to a warehouse. They are moving to a new apartment next month and their current lease ends already at the end of this month. So had to find a place to store all their furniture and other things somewhere for the time in between.

After 12 hours

Today I left early to our building site. We should have everything ready by tomorrow afternoon when we are hosting an event to the representatives of both media and our partners of what we have been doing. While things have been progressing smoothly there is still a lot to do before we are ready (and some finalizing work will continue until Thursday when our players arrive).

Vacation time

My vacation officially started today. That means I can fully focus on our larp project. Although the busiest part of it will be already over in twp days. So I'm not really spending all my vacation just on it. It's just that it pretty much dictated when my vacation would be even though I already started working there way before my vacation.

Pot of gold

Today I went through my latest lot of mixed LEGO pieces. There were some interesting minifigures already worth the money, but when I got to the bottom of the pile I hit the literal (LEGO) gold. There were many of the small gold goins used in various old Pirates sets. As such a small pieces they often are the first pieces to get lost. Also as they are painted with chore gold paint that tends to chip away over decades.

Too fast charging

After pondering whether I'll het back home today evening or tomorrow morning I decided to choose the former option. O still had enough juice in the car battery that it should have gotten me all the way back home without requiring any charging stops.

Midsummer weather

After a few back winter and fool's springs we have been enjoying exceptionally warm weather here. This week has been a bit colder, but still nice and warm. Until yesterday. Of course it's getting colder just before midsummer.

Goes further, charges faster

Trips to our cottage are the longest driving trips I do regularly. With the old car there was no chance getting there with a single charge. Those trips always required careful planning to het the car charger as efficiently as possible. While the trip is long enough to need some breaks along the way it still was some extra effort.


I didn't get as much done today as I had wished on our "little" hobby project. There were some unforeseen issues that took quite a while to solve. So there is still plenty of things to so and only a few days (effectively) left to finalize everything as the players are already arriving towards the end of the next week.

Full load of laundry

On my own I don't produce that much laundry. I also don't want to run the washing machine half-full. I also have quite big machine. One that was "the right size" back when it had to take care of the laundry of four persons.

The solution is to have enough clothes to go long enough that they will fill up the machine. But the problem with this is that they take a lot of room from my wardrobe. So I've had ro find the balance of having enough clothes to fill the washing machine, but still be able to fit them all in the wardrobe.

T-9 days

First week of building is gone and things are slowly starting to settle in place. Mostly the work done at the game site so far has been emptying the classrooms and other areas to make room for our own furniture and props, carrying stuff and doing other preparations. It doesn't look much like a spaceship yet, just a school filled with random stuff ranging from construction materials to some really weird stuff.
